
Hyperlink Bibliography |
Chapter 1 - Design Process and Project Management
- Interview
with Jeffrey Zeldman on Adobe.com; Also see Zeldman's book
Taking Your Talent to
the Web
- Consumers and
Interactive New Media: A Hierarchy of Desires by Paul Saffo
Chapter 2 - Six Principles of Good Commerce Design
- Style
vs. Design by Jefferey Zeldman on Adobe.com. (Aug. 2001)
- Integrating User-Perceived
Quality into Web Server Design by Bhatti, Bouch1, Kuchinsky.
- Ibid.
- Keynote Systems
- Did Poor
Usability Kill E-Commerce? by Jakob Nielsen. Alertbox, Aug.
19, 2001
- "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two." By
George A. Miller, The Psychological Review, 1956, vol. 63, pp.
- Top 10 new
mistakes of web design by Jakob Nielsen. Alertbox, May 30,
- Ibid
- The
Web's Identity Crisis by Mark Hurst. GoodExperience.com, January
21, 2000
- eNormicon.com - Satire
by 37 Signals, a web design firm in Chicago.
Chapter 3 - Information Design for Commerce
- Interactivity
by Design: Creating and Communicating with New Media by Ray
Kristof and Amy Satran. Published by Adobe Press, 132 pages (1995).
The authors operate a design firm, Ignition,
who's clients include: Apple Computer, Hewlett-Packard, Macromedia
and Pepsi-Cola.
- Why
Most B-To-B Sites Fail by Paul Sonderegger, Forrester Research.
Dec. 1999.
- The
Inmates Are Running the Asylum : Why High Tech Products Drive
Us Crazy and How To Restore The Sanity by Alan Cooper. Published
by Sams, 261 pages (April 6, 1999). It's worth noting that Cooper
user the word "personas" instead of "profiles."
- "We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us."
From Understanding
Media: The Extensions of Man by Marshall McLuhan. (New York,
- Argus Associates was founded
by Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morville. These two guys have written
just about everything worthwhile on Information Architecture.
Their 1998 book Information
Architecture on the World Wide Web is the bible on this subject.
Published by O'Reilly ( 204 pg.)
- "Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"
is from T.S. Eliot's play "The
Rock" (1934). Stephen Wacker has written an interesting
commentary called "The
Promiscuity of Information" featuring this quote.
Chapter 4 - Interaction Design for Commerce
- The
Design of Everyday Things by Donald Norman (Currency/Doubleday,
- Ibid.
- Human Behavior and the Principle of Least Effort by George K.Zipf
(Addison-Wesley, 1949). Links
on Zipf.
- End of
Web Design by Jakob Nielsen. (July, 2000)
- Influence:
Science and Practice by Robert B. Cialdini. (Allyn & Bacon,
2000, 4th Edition)
- The
Need for Speed II by Zona Research.( Zona Market Bulletin,
Issue 5, April, 2001).
- Zen
Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki.(Weatherhill, 1988).
- User-Centered
Information Design by Peter Merholz for Netscape.com.
- Ibid. You might want to check out Peter's
website for excellent thoughts, links and essays on information
architecture and customer experience.
- Getting
Them to What They Want: Eight Best Practices to Get Users to the
Content They Want (and to Content They Didn't Know They Wanted)
by Erik Ojakaar and Jared M. Spool. (User Interface Engineering,
- Holiday
2000 E-commerce: Avoiding $14 Billion in Silent Losses by
Amir Rehman, Creative Good. (October, 2000)
- Effective
Use of Forms on Websites by Adam Baker. (March, 2001)
- Autonomy
- Retail
& Media Data Overview by Christopher M. Kelley, Forrester
Research. (Nov., 2000).
- W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative,
- Web
Accessibility for People with Disabilities by Michael Paciello
- In his book Experience
Design (New Riders, March, 2001), Nathan Shedroff explains,
"Sometimes the roadblock to people being successful in an
experience, isn't that they don't understand how to use the experience
but that they don't understand what to expect from it or why it
might be valuable to them concerns that designers never
consider since they can't imagine their audience not understanding
what they are trying to accomplish."
- User-Centered
Web Design by John Cato
- Curious Lab's Poser
Chapter 5 - Presentation Design for Commerce
- About
Face: The Essentials of User Interface Design by Alan Cooper.
(Hungry Minds, 1995).
- The Art of
UI Prototyping by Scott Berkun, UIWEB.
- "Those are my principles, and if you donŐt like them
... well, I have others." Groucho
Artistry: More than Code by Ardith Ibanez; or this book's sequel
- Designing
Web Graphics by Lynda Weinman
- Web
Style Guide: Basic Design Principles for Creating Web Sites
by Patrick Lynch, Sarah Horton
- Visibone Color Lab
Sites featured in this chapter
- Amazon
- Blue Nile
- Christies
- Handspring
- Getty Images
- Volkswagen
Chapter 6 - Site Launch and Maintenance
- 1. The Use
and Misuse of Focus Groups by Jakob Nielsen, 1997.
- 2. Test with
5 Users by Jakob Nielsen. Alertbox, March 19, 2000
- 3. Internet
Error Prevention and Detection: How Dysfunctional Are the Fortune
100 Web Sites? by Parasoft.
- 4. Need
for Speed report by Zona Research.
- 5. WebMonkey
Browser chart, Brower
- 6. HP Labs: Integrating
User-Perceived Quality into Web Server Design
- 7. A
Brief History of Microsoft on the Web by Dave Kramer (1999).
This short article provides a wonderful selection of humble "we
goofed" anecdotes. Guess it's easy to laugh about it now.
- 8. Beta
testing your web site by Vik Chaudhary, CNet (March 9, 1999).
An excellent overview of the beta testing process.
- 9. Web
Site Relaunch: Potential for User Discontent Remains High by
Preston Dodd. Jupiter Research
Report (Nov. 15, 2000). Requires registration.
Books mentioned in this chapter
Chapter 7 - Real World Examples
Appendix - Commerce DesignBeyond the Browser
- Internet
Activities. Pew Internet and American Life Project Survey.
(Nov-Dec, 2000).
- The Yankee Group research
report presented at Mobile.Net conference projected over 1 billion
wireless devices worldwide by 2003 and more than $50 billion of
commerce transactions in the U.S. will be wireless. (New York,
Nov. 2000.)
- The
Multi-Channel CEO: What does it take to succeed? by Susan
- Real
Time: Preparing for the Age of the Never Satisfied Customer
by Regis McKenna. (Harvard Business School Press, 1997)
- 2001
Consumer Email Study by DoubleClick
- Mastering
Mobile Site Design by Carsten Schmidt. Forrester Research
(Nov., 2000)
- Microsoft
TV Design Guidelines
- Designing
for Interactive Television by Whitney Quesenbery and Todd
Reichart, Cognetics Corporation.
The DesignWhys series
A collaboration between Rockport Publishers
and Peachpit Press, DesignWhys is a series of practical,
hands-on books that speak visually to graphic designers.
DesignWhys goes beyond the how to give you
the why behind design.
Web Site Interface Elements
The new second book in the DesignWhys series by Eric